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Khushi Gurdatta

Redefined Brief

Slide for Redefined Brief

I have chosen to represent the youth culture as my design opportunity. While doing the ideations, I saw a variety of different feelings and relations with my chosen subject. Along with that, it is also something that I resonate myself with. Therefore, I wanted to capture the essence of it.

My chosen discipline is communication design. Keeping that in mind, I chose to communicate the feelings with the help of animation.

I was a bit surprised to see my ideations of the redefined brief. Through redefined brief, I was able to focus my attention in a particular direction. I observed things from different perspectives. Along with these ideations, I tried to notice the process that I have followed.

After working in the IDD2, I was partially clear on the kind of outcome that I wanted to have. When I kept exploring, I gradually got more clarity towards my final outcome. I was able to identify a story that clearly satisfied my redefined brief and expectations.

Reflection 1

I had difficulty in dealing with the uncertainty but I consciously tried to indulge myself in the process as much as I could. I remember when I started college, I used to be a child who believed in results and outcomes. After few months, I had a major realization while working on the Illustrated vector Map. In that project, I broke my back in order to get a beautiful outcome. I did manage to achieve the outcome but I regretted missing the favor of the unique journey that it had. After seeing and analyzing the rubrics, my attitude changed. Therefore, this time, I never cared about the outcome while working. I was trusting myself and my tutors.

While seeing my process, I felt that the confusion was harming my process more than it should have. During the phase of Iterative design development, I had so much confusion in understanding the concept. I tried to analyze as much as I could by attending classes or by talking to my peers. It was difficult for me to stay in darkness in the present moment. I just wanted to move in the right direction. I was not able to understand the concept. I don't like to stay in darkness in the present-day moment because I feel that the clock is ticking and I need to move. I was meeting my mentors every day but I was receiving a different set of feedbacks every day. That's when, one day, I lost control of myself and broke down.

A day before the FA crit, I kind of started understanding things and since then, I am enjoying my journey so far. I have a rough idea of the outcome but I know I will figure it out later.

Reflection 2

While doing the ideations, during this phase, I started noticing things from different perspectives. Earlier, I was trying to capture feelings associated with my chosen subject. This time, I captured the feelings by observing how people's responses. I observed a person's brain feelings, eye movement, and gestures, etc. I was intrigued due to these observations. The reason, I found these ideations fascinating was because of my belief that it is a well thought and beautiful design when I can sense and know the subject without its existence in the frame. I usually painting when I find things are embedded inside it with some meanings which someone will look at it closely and think about it, will understand.

I gradually discovered my storyline as well as the character that I wanted to portray. I started feeling motivated and confident. I was gaining trust in my ideas. I could sense that I am thinking in a different and unique direction.

I learned the value of observation from different perspectives. I thought that while designing something we just need to observe our object closely but later I realized that not only our subject, we should also observe someone who is reacting with the object. This can further help in more enriching the ideations and easier to make associations.

If this kind of situation arose again, I will make sure to remember and do these observations in phase 1.

Also, I felt that I got too much involved in digital media instead of working more upon experimentation. It was more important to explore instead of glorifying it at this stage. I understood that it is important to see a glimpse of your work and not focusing on achieving perfection during the stage of ideations.


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