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Khushi Gurdatta

Process Planner

Planning for the inquiry

Process of Inquiry

Primary Research

Experiments Conducted

I planned to do an observational drawing of my subject but after a discussion with my faculty. They suggested I start with experiments. They asked me to go crazy and try out different things with my chosen subject. I could not understand the purpose of the experiments therefore, I did not found them so useful

Observational Drawing

Observational Drawing helped me in analyzing the bean and know the anatomy of it.

Slice and Dice

I wanted to organize the existing information therefore I have used this thinking tool.

Exploring the areas of research

I brainstormed all the ideas that I can explore during the study. It helped me in seeing all the possibilities and also setting my priorities.


I took the survey to know the perspective of the majority of people. I wanted to do some research on the topics that most people feel or face. I thought this tool would be helpful but since I conducted the survey at a very initial stage, I could not infer much from it.

Secondary Research

Evolution in world

I started my research by reading about the evolution of coffee beans. Initially, I wanted to know the overview and then go deeper.

Evolution in India

Essence of coffee houses

Kishore Sir suggested studying the different coffee houses and their rituals. It introduced me to different pre-existing cultures.

In-Depth Research

Types of coffee drinks

Since people have individual preferences according to their context, therefore, I have studied the different ways in which people prefer their drinks.

Ethical Practice

I have followed the ethical practice by giving credits-

Reference List

Key Observations

1. Through Observational Drawing, I saw that coffee is made with the folding technique.

Horizontal Cross Section of Bean

2. Explored different kinds of texture of coffee and also through experimentation

Different textures

3. Through evolution and varieties, it shows that everyone has individual preferences according to their specific needs and region.

4. The types of coffee also signify that coffee processes are different according to climatic conditions and geography.

5. The rich culture of discussion and sharing was seen in the Indian Coffee house.

People in the coffee house

6. Coffee was popular in India since the time of the Mughals because in some religions people were not allowed to have wines. Therefore, they used to make coffee in boiled water, which turns it almost into the same color.

7. There is a growing youth coffee drinking culture in India. It is due to increasing work pressure, social discussions, and the availability of new processes and flavors.

8. People create associations with past experiences and cultures.


Scope for future Inquiry

1. In the future, I would like to study more about the process of coffee.

2. Preferences of the coffee according to the people of specific regions.

3. I would like to do a study in-depth on the feelings and experiences people have for coffee.

4. Existence of Fibonacci series in a coffee bean.

5. Uses of coffee for home remedies like bathing and moisturizing.

Reflective Writing

During the start of phase 2, I was planning to move in a very systematic and linear manner. I was confused and not so confident with the way I have planned things. Therefore, before starting the study, I connected with some of my peers and I got to know their perspectives as well. It really helped me in getting a new direction. I understood their work and then analyzed my own. I took a slightly different approach which further helped me in my study.

Initially, I started my study by making the mind map which simplified my inquiry up to a great extent. After doing the primary and secondary research, I struggled a bit in making connections of observational drawing with the research. Both the research seemed independent, I was trying in finding the use and meaning of both the research. Later, while carefully listening in the community session, I gained more clarity with the explanation of Josh Sir. I wrote down questions that were arising while making the visuals and gradually my research started extending.

The crit helped me a lot because while presenting, I could understand some of the areas that I need to work upon. I have noticed that at each stage of the study, I was dealing with the feeling of self-doubt. This feeling sometimes helped me because I used to contact my friends or get in touch with my faculties. It gradually transforms into confidence when I evaluate my work and critically analyze it. Working independently was a huge step for me. I am discovering my ways of doing things and also discovering the ways of taking it forward.

For me, it was difficult to start without having clear directions and therefore, I wish I could have been quicker in taking action.

Lastly, the mentor's feedback was way too helpful even though I was able to understand them in a day or two after completing the work.


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