


The assessment was not aligned with my expectations. I completed my work with all my dedication. I made sure to tally the rubrics side by side while working on a brief. Therefore, I was quite upset.
Some of the criteria like ethical practices and usage of design terminology were evaluated similarly to my expectations but the rest was different.
Apart from the rubrics, I thoroughly enjoyed the journey of this module so far. I have noticed some areas of strength within me.
Firstly, the curiosity of knowing something. While I was working on the reasons for using colors or reading about a certain community, I was eager to have a piece of in-depth knowledge about them. The moment I started questioning, I used to spent hours to have an in-depth sight of the topic.
Secondly, writing about the desired topic using the design terminology would be my second strength.
Thirdly, communication is one of my skills. During this project, I was able to effectively discuss and communicate with my friends and faculties which further articulated my thoughts and enhanced my understanding.
All of these strengths helped to make my work more authentic and individualistic. Due to the amalgamation of my strengths, my project can be easily articulated and understood. It also gives different perspectives.
Key Gaps


I think I can make certain improvements by reading the blog, keeping the rubrics in mind. Along with that, I can contact my peers or faculties for feedback.