Our life is in a constant state of moving from tedious to interesting.
From normal to new.
From ordinary to extraordinary.
From average to amazing
From mundane to magnificent.

There is nothing in a dot that tells us it’s going to be a beautiful form.
Creativity is piercing the mundane to find magnificent. Creating something from usual to different needs exploring and discovering.
Based on the given theme, our faculty members (Mr. Pankaj Narain and Ms.Tanya Kumar) have designed an insightful activity named “Treasure Hunt”. In this activity, we had to find papers in use at our home. These objects/products should contain paper in any form.
I discovered so many things that were made up of paper. I started with very obvious products which were a diary, tissue paper roll, paper bags, etc. After searching for a while, and looking objects more closely. I found things like Bandages, Teabags, matchboxes, gift wrapping paper, and cello tape. Unexpectedly, the list got endless.
Paper is a mundane product that is used in our surroundings in a wide variety of different forms. Different papers are characterized by a wide range of properties. Sometimes they are used in places that we tend to ignore. Paper is such an ordinary product but only by molding and burning, it creates something magnificent and beautiful.
In continuation of the previous activity, we were asked to explore various techniques that can be done to paper and understand their textures. We had to make 30 different samples by using different papers of 5×5 cm square.
While performing this activity, I explored different types of paper with multiple properties. I worked upon the papers like chart paper, butter paper, crepe paper, chart paper, ivory sheet. Pastel sheet, newspaper paper, and banana paper, etc.
Except for these papers, I even explored various other papers along with various techniques like cutting, burning, inserting, layering, quilling, etc.

These are some of my beloved samples:

1. Sandpaper:
This paper is a product that had coarseness along with sharp edges. It is used for the polishing or smoothing. This was one of the papers that I loved working on. I tried to burn the sandpaper and it transformed into a beautiful texture of black and silver color.
After getting familiar with its properties, I made a pattern by making it stands in a 3D triangular manner and slightly burned the top edges. It became visually appealing and produced a vintage feel.

2. Wrapping Paper:
Paper often referred to as gift wrap, is a decorative form of paper product. It contains a decorative design that is applied using different printing processes.
I tried various techniques in this paper. In the end, I have ironed the paper and the results were breath-taking. I got a parched and intricated texture. It was a fascinating paper to work upon.

3.Kite Paper:
The captivating properties of kite paper were its strength along with its lightweight. The kite paper was undeniably versatile and easy to manipulate.
Therefore, I have rolled the paper and made small pipes out of it. I arranged these pipes in an abstract manner to create a pleasing pattern.

4. Kraft/Brown Paper:
Kraft paper is created from the wood pulp of softwoods using what has been called the kraft process, which results in a stronger form of paper exhibiting high tear resistance and high elasticity.
These properties make kraft paper ideally suited for the creation of packaging material paper, as well as shopping bags and grocery store sacks.
While operating on the kraft paper, I attempted to burn, tear, and twist the paper. After employing different techniques, I twisted the paper and designed an abstract form. Kraft paper was an effortless paper that I have a lot to reveal.

5. Aluminum Foil paper:
Foil is a very thin sheet of aluminum. It is a versatile and effective material, involved in many applications- in particular for packaging and wraps food as a matter of protection and containment.
I have made small cubes from the ivory sheet and then wrapped it with an aluminum foil. It gave a lustrous and smooth texture.
The final step of our project was forming a cube by using different textures of paper in any form. It was a well-designed activity. In this last activity, we had to apply all the concepts we have learned during this 2-week duration.
The cube that I have made is based on the vintage theme. It turned out pretty well.

The top of the cube is made from Tissue Paper Pulp.
· Soaked the tissue paper in black coffee for 10 mins. The coffee water helped in giving the tissue a brown touch.
· I ripped the paper and removed the water
· I added cornflour and a fixative into the pulp. Mixed it well.
· At the end, I shaped the pulp and baked it until I got a brownish layer
On the bottom side of the cube, I have used the technique of paper cutting.
· I drew the pattern on the back-side o the side paper
· I cut the paper and created an abstract form.
The texture of the next four sides are made up by following paper and techniques:
· The first side is made up of a collection of sandpaper pyramids. After making the pyramids, I have burnt them from the top to give them a smudged look.
· The next side of the cube is made up of pastel and corrugated sheets. For making this site, I rolled the corrugated sheet and then burnt it from the top. Afterward, I have cut the pastel sheet and inserted these rolls into it.
· The third side is made up of butter paper. I burned three butter papers by using an incense stick and layered it on top of each other.
· The fourth side of the cube is made from kraft paper. Initially, I have cut multiple strips of the paper. Afterward, I twisted the strips and quilled them.
Experiments may seem intriguing but there is always a need for precautions.
1. Keep your fingers at a certain distance from the cutter.
2. Never use a cutter in a hurry. Use a cutter slowly and precisely.
3. Do not apply much pressure on the cutter.
1. Prefer to use an incense stick instead of a candle.
2. Hold the paper with a pair of forceps instead of your fingers.

Digital learning is an entirely new experience for me. I’m constantly caught in a tug of war on whether remote learning is a better or traditional classroom learning system. On one hand, I miss the experience of college, making friends, and having lousy lunchbreaks. On the other hand, I enjoy getting to work at my own place which saves a lot of travelling time.
Virtual Learning Platform was a bit overwhelming at first but with each passing day, I got a hang of it. With the new shift to online schooling, I feel like an adult working from home. I get to organize my work schedule so that it works best for me, and I get to complete all of my work from the comfort of my own room.

I have learned a lot throughout the process.
As I was working with paper, I realized that paper has a character of its own. I was surprised to experience how a simple act of cutting/ burning can magically transform a simple material into an exciting form.
Through active research and exploration of the paper history, I read thoroughly about the history of paper and its process from caves till modern paper. During the process, I also learned about various other materials, techniques used in historic times for making paper.
The most important thing that I learned from the project was the concept of abstract art. Throughout the project, our faculties emphasized to make something abstract, without taking any inspiration. Abstract art gives the freedom to explore the artwork through lines and shapes. It doesn’t contain recognizable objects, so there is nothing to grasp or hold onto. At first, it really made me uneasy and confusing. But gradually I got a grasp of it.
Challenges: During the process, I even faced many unsuccessful attempts. I experienced trouble while handling some papers. At some point, I even got frustrated and thought of giving up. But I worked consistently and made a delightful project.
Toward the end of the module, my response to the paper was completely changed. In the end, I thought the paper has a feel, a smell, and a look that evoked a response in me.
Paper remembers every fold and crush that we do.
Paper enriches our lives in ways that we often don’t notice.
Hi Khushi, After a very good post for Learner's Log of M2M, you seem to have missed posting for FoVL. Please do so at the earliest.