Media Exploration
The contrast between two of my works of drawing the organic form by using different media.

Drawing of a flower
Media: Dry Pastels
Characteristics and Properties
Soft pastels come in square sticks. They are easily breakable because of their texture which makes them really delicate. They are lightweight and do not require much pressure. These pastels had a powdery texture due to which it was giving the effect of paint. It makes them well suited for blending. and were also covering the entire surface. The pigments of the color are also intense.
Soft Pastels are versatile. Due to which it was easy to blend them. They are useful to represent forms that are organic and delicate or something which have a smooth finish.
Since the colors are lightweight, they can be carried around.
The powdery texture gives an advantage of layering different pigments on top of another.
While using these colors, I faced few challenges such as spreading the color in the desired area with the help of the fingers.
Since I was using the box of 18 shades, at times, it was difficult to achieve the desired color.
Due to their softness, I was struggling with the amount of pressure to be applied.

Drawing of a flower
Media: Black Ink
Characteristics and Properties
This ink came in a cylindrical plastic bottle. The ink was flowy. The pigment of the ink was already light. Therefore, I did not used water. It dries within few seconds.
It's easier to work with a material like paint but without the use of water.
Since the ink is applied with a brush, it can act like a 2B, 4B, 6B, or any thickness.
Ink is available at an affordable and cheap price
Spreading the ink properly
Effective Media
The ink was more effective in creating the desired results because I was having fun controlling it.
I was more focused on the medium because I did not have to search for the appropriate shade. It is easy to operate with two tools instead of 20 shades.
The ink provides different tints, tones, and shades with one hue. It helps in achieving a synchronized composition.
Due to its flowy texture, I was able to achieve the sensitive parts of an organic form
I am most comfortable working with ink. I have specified the reasons above.

OBSERVATION was significant learning during this project. It made me realize that how closely, patiently, and sensitively we need to observe a form in order to achieve it. At times, I lost my patience because sir was asking me to improve it again and again. I was finding myself in a helpless position.
I even realized that every medium has its own importance according to the object. Because I was able to achieve the form with some soft and flowy mediums.