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Khushi Gurdatta

Most designers experience a creative block. They get stuck during their work. Sometimes, it is because they are trying something in the wrong way. But sometimes it gets really difficult to push ourselves and think differently.

A tool is an instrument which makes our work simpler in a profound manner. Every tool is customized according to the needs of the person. Therefore, think Lab introduces us to thinking tools that any creative professional should be equipped with. These thinking tools enable a designer to face roadblocks that one may face during their creative process.

These are the following tools:

Tool 1: Slice and Dice

Slice and dice are to break the information into smaller parts and explore it from different viewpoints so that we can understand it better. When something is not working quite the way we had hoped, we can take a closer look at the pieces.

For this tool, we had to choose an object from our surroundings. Afterward, identify and list various attributes of a problem. We can then work on one attribute at a time to stimulate new ideas. The more we slice and dice our problems/challenges, the more attributes we will be able to improve or change.

Attributes: characteristics that define a product or a service.

Some common ways to describe/categorize attributes of a product are:

  1. Descriptive Attributes: It describes the physical appearance and non-physical attributes of the object. Attributes that can be seen or felt such as color, shape, texture, material, size, weight, taste, smell, structure, volume, density, etc.

  2. Functional Attributes: It describes how an item is used, its usage and purpose, and if it has any alternate uses.

  3. Emotional Attributes: It describes how we feel while using that product. Eg:- comfort, safety, calm, relaxation, power, etc.

  4. Process Attributes: In this, the manufacturing process, packing, selling, cutting, transported, procurement, promotion-related attributes.

  5. Social Attributes: Many objects have stories associated with them. Many have taboos or rituals linked to them. It also includes social status, parental/peer pressure, environment friendly and ethical, etc.

My object was a diary. I have listed all the attributes of the object.

List of all the attributes

Tool 2: Idea Box

The Idea Box is modeled after the morphological box, credited to Dr. Fritz Zwicky. It is a way of combining the different attributes of an object to generate new ideas. In this activity, we had to select the attributes of our subject. Below each attribute, we had to list as many variations as we wish for that attribute.

The number of attributes and variations determines the box’s complexity. Afterward, we had to make a random run through the parameters and variations, selecting one or more from each column and then combining them into entirely new forms.

I created an idea box for a notebook. These are the following variations in an attribute that I have listed:

Variations of an attribute

Visual Representation of the final product

Example 2: Ma'am suggested me to do one more example to show different variations

Different variations

Visual Representation

Tool 3: Cross Breeding

For this tool, we had to get our imaginations moving with the bizarre idea of crossbreeding. We were encouraged to experiment by crossbreeding plants, objects, animals, and people.

I did a crossbreed of an owl and notebook.

Visual Representation of the final outcome


Today, I actually felt that the activity was a bit simpler as compared to other days. This might be because of thinking tools. Because after applying those things we got hundreds of different final outcomes from a single normal object.

This time in the think lab activity we had to work individually in a group. In the beginning, I was timid about working and coordinating everything myself. It is easier to work in a group because unknowingly we rely on the support of our group members. Sometimes the other members help each other and motivate each other.

In a group, we also distribute the task according to the abilities of the person. Working independently was definitely a leap for me. It showed some of my weaknesses and strengths. I overcame that nervousness and challenged myself with certain mediums as well. We should work independently but always appreciate constructive feedback from our peers.

I liked the tool of crossbreeding the most. Because in this tool we combined the things which have completely different characteristics from each other. The hybrid produced from the two had really bizarre but at the same time unique characteristics. It doesn't matter whether the hybrid produced is functional or not.

Overall, the activity was quite fascinating.

I liked the crossbreeding activity of one of my classmates. He combined both the things appropriately. The hybrid produced has characteristics of both things. The outcome is different as well as functional.

Along with that, the slide was well presented.

Mohak Goel's work


Learning Mantra

Sometimes, work independently but always respect constructive criticism.


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